I’m at professional recording artist/rapper. I’ve also been working toward my advanced degrees, currently I’m working toward my masters of science degree from USC
I graduated from UNLV with a Bachelor’s in Integrated Marketing Communications. I’ve performed on stage with different artists around the bay and California. I lived in NYC for two and a half years.
Going to OSA changed the way I think about art and the ways I show up as a performer and leader in the arts community. OSA gave me the space to be myself and discover aspects about who I am that I wouldn’t have been comfortable with otherwise.
Being creative and pushing the boundaries of our cultural society.
Performing on stage with my peers. Creating new ways of thinking. Talking with teachers who were the best in their own fields and encouraged me to be the best in mine.
They all did. Mathew Travisano believed in my abilities and gave me my first role as an incoming g transfer student from literary with no experience. Micheal Berry-Berlinski expected greatness from me and found a way to pull it out of the depths of my soul. Rebecca Potter was the first teacher to introduce me to Musical Theatre as a living and not just a past time. Terry Bamberger introduced me to William Shakespeare in a way that made me feel welcomed and safe amongst the community. My literary art teachers gave me the confidence to be great in a school where everyone felt really big. Ms. G and Ms. Weiss created a literary monster at the age of 14. Mr. Rosenberg reminded me of the importance of being child like at heart. I could go on for days. Ms. Plette!! Taught me to believe in my voice!