I’m currently a Pastor in Stockton,CA. Started my church in 2015. I’m also a father of 2 beautiful little girls.
In 2017 I was able to write my very first book and in 2021 I released my second book.
OSA was the best thing to ever happen to me! This school cultivated my artistry and skill in the entertainment industry. Everything I’m doing today in regards to production is on OSA’s foundation.
What being from OSA means to me is legacy. I’ve been privileged to play a huge role in the Schools BIG MOMENTS. It’s also a huge honor to have been able to be selected to grown in this place.
There’s so many amazing memories but one in particular would be being apart of the band for The Wiz in the Fox. Our very first all school Musical in the Fox.
Mr. Savage, Mr. Aton, Mr. Cogman, Mr. Oz, Mr. Rosenburg.